Jan 1 | Wednesday | New Year's Day | National Holiday | - |
Mar 20 | Friday | March Equinox | Season | - |
Apr 23 | Thursday | National Sovereignty and Children's Day | National Holiday | 1920 |
May 1 | Friday | Labor and Solidarity Day | National Holiday | 2009 |
May 19 | Tuesday | Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day | National Holiday | 1919 |
May 23 | Saturday | Ramadan Feast Eve | Half Day | - |
May 24 | Sunday | Ramadan Feast | National Holiday | - |
May 25 | Monday | Ramadan Feast Day 2 | Extra Public Holiday | - |
May 26 | Tuesday | Ramadan Feast Day 3 | Common Local Holidays | - |
Jun 21 | Sunday | June Solstice | Season | - |
Jul 30 | Thursday | Sacrifice Feast Eve | Half Day | - |
Jul 31 | Friday | Sacrifice Feast | National holiday | - |
Aug 1 | Saturday | Sacrifice Feast Day 2 | National holiday | - |
Aug 2 | Sunday | Sacrifice Feast Day 3 | National holiday | - |
Aug 3 | Monday | Sacrifice Feast Day 4 | Extra Public Holiday | - |
Aug 30 | Sunday | Victory Day | National Holiday | 1922 |
Sept 22 | Tuesday | September Equinox | Season | - |
Oct 28 | Wednesday | Republic Day Eve | Half Day | - |
Oct 29 | Thursday | Republic Day | National Holiday | 1923 |
Nov 10 | Tuesday | Ataturk Memorial Day | Observance | 193∞ |
Dec 21 | Monday | December Solstice | Season | - |
Dec 31 | Thursday | New Year's Eve | Observance | - |
New Year's Day in Turkey
While all administrations, schools, post offices, and most businesses will be closed, New Year's Day in Turkey will be celebrated till dawn and most of the time, 1st January will just be quiet and people will be resting and relaxing. Here is how to celebrate it during your trip to Istanbul or elsewhere.
*Some of the museums, especially in Istanbul, will be closed on 1st January. Please check with your travel advisor.
National Sovereignty and Children's Day
The day is dedicated to Turkish children by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - for the memory of the day the Turkish Grand National Assembly founded. Turkey celebrates both the independence and the nation's youth day - who are the future of the Turkish Republic. It is celebrated in harmony along the day with shows, festivals, games, and dances.
Labor and Solidarity Day
On the day known as also International Workers' Day, some group of workers will celebrate the day dancing and participating in demonstrations demanding well-deserved conditions for qualified laborers and workers. Most of the time, police will try to prevent these gatherings if they are not unwelcomed locations mostly in Ankara or Istanbul.
Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day
The public holiday commemorates Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's landing at Samsun on the day of 19th May 1919, which was the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence.
UEFA Champions League Final
UEFA Champions League Final will be held in Istanbul on 30th May 2020 Saturday. Between 27-31 May; availabilities are limited and the accommodation rates are naturally higher than usual. If you are booked with us and already purchased your flight tickets for this destination; please let us know and we will be happy to tweak your itinerary.
The Ramadan Feast (Ramazan Bayrami) in Turkey
The Ramadan Feast is an official holiday, mostly for 3 days which is sometimes combined with the weekend so that people can have a longer vacation. At these days, most of the shops, including the Grand Bazaar & Spice Market in Istanbul will be closed for 1-2 days while most of the museums will be closed until afternoon on the first day of the feast.
Victory Day 30th August
Commemorating the victory in the Battle of Dumlupinar which was the decisive battle in the Turkish War of Independence in 1922. The public holiday also honors Ataturk. The battle took place and Kutahya and while the enemy did not leave the country till later, 30 August is accepted as the victory of the Turkish Army.
Sacrifice Feast (Kurban Bayrami) Day
Also known as Eid el-Adha or Eid el-Kebir - similar to Ramadan Holiday, the feast is also celebrated 4-5 days throughout the country as a religious day with the purpose of giving a hand to the poor and sharing the food. For both holidays, it is best to make sure you have placed your reservations, carrying enough cash with you and most importantly, these are not the only days you are visiting a site or the bazaars as again they will be mostly closed 1-2 days of it.
Republic Day
The Republic Day commemorates the Grand National Assembly proclaimed of the Turkish Republic on 29 October 1923. Millions of citizens will celebrate the day with the words of the great leader Ataturk; "One day my mortal body will turn to dust, but the Turkish Republic will stand forever." There are also official celebrations in Ankara: the new capital of Turkey with a ceremony at The Mausoleum of Ataturk with Turkish Flags and posters of Ataturk everywhere.
Ataturk Memorial Day
On the 10th of November and exactly at 09:05 a.m. - the life will stop for a minute to commemorate the anniversary of the death of the great leader. Whatever they are doing at the moment, people will stand for the moment of silence.
Apart from the public and religious holidays; banks and post offices in Turkey are closed same as on Sundays. Under normal circumstances, Travel Atelier office is also closed on the mentioned dates. Please make sure that you have our emergency contact mobile numbers with you; if you will be arriving in Turkey on a Sunday, in case you would need to contact us for any reason.