The documents which give information about the 13th century Queen Puduhepa, wife of the Great King Hattusili III (1275-1250 BC) are prolific. Her fascinating personality and strength of character are attested in numerous letters, prayers, sacrificial and ritual texts from Bogazkoy and Ugarit. There also exist a number of official documents concerning the duties of […]
As most of us know; the name of King Midas is linked to Gordion; the capital city of ancient Phrygia. While mostly he is known as a mythical character; several Phrygian kings bore this name and naturally, different legends and stories had grown up. Among these, the most common one is Midas and the golden […]
Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, and the Blue Mosque are the sights that first come to mind when visiting Istanbul. But, there is so much else to see that a few days or even weeks would not suffice for them all. Among them, the Istanbul Archaeological Museum is one that should not be missed. It contains […]